
I had the opportunity to visit Darga for the first time in September 1995, around the age of 19. 

I was in my 3rd Year of Engineering, studying in Cuddapah. Prior to the visit, i was reading "The Autobiography of a Yogi" by Shri Pramahansa Yogananada.

I still keep visiting Darga frequently. Over the years few of my acquaintenances have asked me many questions. It also occurred to me many times as to what keeps me drawing to this place(Darga) and Swami.

Alternately, How do we know that we have arrived at our Guru-Sthana?

or How does one know that we arrived at the feet of a truly enlightened Master?

Or is there any place after reaching which we would not like to visit any other place, feel fulfilled and content.

The final objective of all exercises is to experience SAT CHIT ANANDA


On this context, i recollect that very long back, Swami asked me as to what i feel when i visit him.

Though i have read many books by that time, the answer that came out of me was not from any bookish knowledge. It was simple and direct out of what I honestly experienced.

I replied, I come to Darga with lot of questions in mind, thinking of asking you. (Many of these arising while reading books etc)

But the moment i sit in front of you, my mind becomes blank and looses all thought and expression.

Many years later, I realize that this is the quintessential drawing force of a saint. May one realize it or not, in the presence of a saint it automatically happens. One experiences peace.

Is the real teaching imparted in Silence.....? 

Can it be done in noise at all.....?

Absolute Stillness or thoughtlessness(Mouna) is the objective of all spiritual practices.

Everyone vibrates at a frequency (So to say.. symbolically) the rate of thoughts arising in a person and his responses there by..

As this frequency reduces, one experiences peace. This experience will be very qualitative and subjective based on qualifying factors.

The stillness can also be very scary and unbearable to the untrained or the undesired. To tolerate it requires practice. We are used to so much noise, the moment we experience stillness, the system repulses it and runs away from it. After a while when it recollects & remembers it, craves to go back and give it a chance..

So it is a iterative and recursive cycle, each cycle trying to dig deeper.

For me this is the highest take-away from any visit to a saint..All the others are of low priority and trivial.

For the fact that i touched the feet of a truly enlightened Master, will i ever be able to attain the state of Maha-Mouna?

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